Cron Generator

A cron expression generator for AngularJS.

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Generated Cron Expression: {{cronExpression}}
Is Valid: True False


npm install angular-cron-gen
bower install angular-cron-gen


<cron-gen ng-model="cronExpression"
angular.module('ExampleApp', ['angular-cron-gen'])
  .controller('ExampleCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.cronExpression = '0 8 9 9 1/8 ? *';
    $scope.cronOptions = {};
    $scope.isCronDisabled = false;


Options Description Type Default
templateUrl Allows you to override the default template String The default template
cronFormat The desired cron format. Currently only "quartz" is accepted String "quartz"
formInputClass The input class override String "form-control-static"
formSelectClass The select class override String "form-control-static"
formRadioClass The radio class override String "form-control-static"
hideMinutesTab Whether the minutes tab should be hidden boolean false
hideHourlyTab Whether the hourly tab should be hidden boolean false
hideDailyTab Whether the daily tab should be hidden boolean false
hideWeeklyTab Whether the weekly tab should be hidden boolean false
hideMonthlyTab Whether the monthly tab should be hidden boolean false
hideYearlyTab Whether the yearly tab should be hidden boolean false
hideAdvancedTab Whether the advanced tab should be hidden boolean true